Year: 2012

Desperate Planning – Thoth Tarot

By Odyn PenDragon We humans (animals) tend to perceive structure (eye, ear, etc.), and from those, many tend to project from that a desire for some fantasy of “pattern”, and even further, the fantasy of “design”. Some passively accept this “design” model; but many others go further to then fantasize that there MUST BE A...

Tarot Symbolism: No one is here….

BY MOHINI BASU People in the cards of a Tarot deck serve to focus the attention. They may signify the querent, or other people in the querent’s life who have a say in the event which is under consideration. They may signify possibilities for the querent. Always, they help in understanding what is, or what...

Tarot Symbolism: The Fool in the Thoth Tarot

BY JEAN HAMILTON-FFORD There is a lot of symbolism in the Thoth Tarot deck and it starts with The Fool. The Fool is beginning a journey of self-discovery. He is new and yet, he is the old man of the deck as he is finishing the end of the Universe and initiating a new path....

Tarot Symbolism: Ploughed Fields

Ploughed fields are a metaphor for the work that must be done before rewards can be reaped. In the Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot deck I found 5 cards that illustrate ploughed fields. They seemed to speak about the different stages of labour. The Two of wands speaks to me of the planning that has to go...

Tarot Symbolism: The Dog – Truly Man’s Best Friend

BY STELLA LUNA For personal reasons I wanted to explore the symbolism of the Dog in Tarot for my first Tarot Symbolism post. Having recently lost my own loyal protector it seems apt. Especially as the day before I had to say my goodbyes to my sweetheart the 10 of Pentacles appeared in a reading...

Tarot Exercise – colour your own!

Once upon a time, somewhere on the www, I found uncoloured line-drawn copies of the RWS cards. I have found it very useful to colour my own as a tarot exercise, and am always pleasantly surprised by what is revealed to me in the process. Perhaps it’s because I look at the cards differently during...

Tarot Symbolism: Knight of Swords – a surprising discovery

I made a revealing discovery on the Knight of Swords card yesterday, using the Universal Waite deck. A card that has ‘disturbed’ me for the longest time because something felt ‘off.’ In contrast to the other 3 knights he has always seemed less controlled somehow, as if he could easily fly off the handle. Thus...

Tarotelic series: 6 of Cups

This week I examine the Six of Cups in my current Tarotelic series; focussing on the playful element of the card as well as the slightly more sinister aspect of the card, namely issues from the past. True to the Tarotelic style of weaving relevant tales from history and myth into the card of the week,...

Tarot & phobias

In the shower this morning I was accosted by a large huntsman (spider) who decided to cling to my toe in an attempt to escape the water and soap suds! Crikey! I jumped about as high as the horse in the Knight of Wands and undoubtedly had a similar expression on my face! Eeeooow! [shudder] Which...

Rapid growth in tarot knowledge

I was browsing Biddy Tarot’s blog and came across a simply fabulous article entitled Rapidly Deepening Your Tarot Knowledge with Tarot Card Profiles. She’s one smart lady! If you hop over to her blog via the link above you’ll see that she cleverly discusses the benefits of using Tarot Card Profiles, you can even download...