Tag: close examination

A Healing Message – 3 of swords

Legacy of the Divine Tarot by Circo Marchetti When one sees the three of swords come up in a reading, their first reaction is usually, “yikes,” or “yep, I knew that already.” This card is not to be taken lightly. Of course you knew that already! Look at the image in this card. This sort...

Tarot Symbolism: Knight of Swords – a surprising discovery

I made a revealing discovery on the Knight of Swords card yesterday, using the Universal Waite deck. A card that has ‘disturbed’ me for the longest time because something felt ‘off.’ In contrast to the other 3 knights he has always seemed less controlled somehow, as if he could easily fly off the handle. Thus...

The “Secret Path” technique

This technique works with associations and can add a completely new dimension to your readings. The secret path is the path that connects two or more cards to one another in any reading, and works well when more information is required than what seems to be immediately available. To do this you should choose a...

Close Examination: Ace of Swords

When my tarot teacher instructed me to do a ‘close examination’ of the Ace of Swords and to write an insanely long chapter on my findings, I was stumped! No interpretations were allowed at this point, only a recording of exactly what I saw. What could I possibly find in the card that could fill up all...