Kendra’s Vintage Lenormand, the Review & the Reading


The Review

Today we’re going to take a different approach to the Review section with Kendra’s Vintage Lenormand. We are going to review it and do a reading! Yay! This time I’m reviewing the Landscape version of this great deck.

The vintage images are simply gorgeous. Kendra has done a gorgeous job looking for and using great vintage pics. They are well thought and well combined. Since it’s printed with Printer Studio, the quality of the card stock is great (linen version). It shuffles really well, and it’s strong enough to last a long time. Colors are consistent with the vintage atmosphere of the whole deck, and it feels really good using it. Backs are delicate and compelling.

The Landscape version has 2 sets of female and male consultants (the ladies, the lady, the gents and the gent), a children (and not child) card, and an extra card (the mirror). I use all the cards together, including double consultants. The reason? As they are in singular and plural in can designate different people, or point at someone (or some ones) very easily. As I use this deck as houses, it is a good idea to use all the cards inside to have more insights. (Which is cool).

The Mirror extra card is also very good. It has come in handy in relation with computer science and Aspergers. In relation with computers, or devices which have a screen, it pint points exactly that: screens. In the case of Aspergers, it shows a person who looks within more than without. With other card combinations it could also show someone who cares too much about the outside figure, thus, it could also pint point eating disorders. In short: this extra card makes the readings richer and easier!

This deck is my favorite deck to use as houses. It not only gives me great and more info, it also give me insights and great meanings. Being landscape it is perfect to use with mini cards!!! Another of the reasons I’m in love with it! This is a must-have in your collection to use heavily with minis. You will regret not having this treasure!

The Reading


Take Kendra’s Vintage Lenormand and shuffle it as much as you want. Once you are comfortable, lay out your houses. In this case I got:

  • First row: Fish, Bear and Tree.
  • Second row: Sun, Garden and Moon.
  • Third row: Rider, Snake and Stars.

For the cards on top I used my Alice in Wonderland Vintage Lenormand (I usually use this combination). I shuffled it, and I layed the cards onto Kendra’s Vintage Lenormand (the houses for this reading).


The question was: “how is a project that I have in mind going to be?” The answer is here:

House of the fish: the whip. Money is being washed away… (Whip could be also quarrels, but, in my mind appeared the sense of cleaning so… “washed away”).

House of the bear: the house. The strength is at home. So, I have the means to achieve what I want, just into my dominion (home).

House of the Tree: the heart. I have put my heart on it in a long-term basis. (Being Taurus, no wonder. Once I have an idea, I pursue it till I’m comfortable with what I’ve achieved, whatever the degree it might be. I needs to feel right for me).

House of the Sun: the bouquet. A bunch of good vibes, and good luck. Yay!

House of the Garden: the book. The key of the question is, in fact, digital and with a “bookish” shape :p

House of the Moon: the garden. Related to creativity of many 🙂

House of the Rider: the child. Someone somewhat naïve who has an opportunity arising. (Good!)

House of the Snake: the birds. Hmmm. The snake is problems, someone in whom we should not trust. And birds are gossip or messages. So, beware, someone around isn’t what it seems!

House of the Stars: the path. Choose your way digitally. Stars for me are many times the digital world, and since the project it’s digital, it means a decision about it.

On the past: Whip, Bouquet and Child. Me being naïve and “kind of arguing or having problems” because of a “gift” (the project).

On the present: House, Book, Birds. Preparing at home the project and telling to people.

On the future: Heart, Garden, Path. To choose in which garden to put my heart.

So, basically it says that my project can or could change direction due to a decision that I might take regarding to it. In the past it’s been somewhat unfortunate, but it seems good so far. Still, on a stage of “preparing” or as “plan” or “to do”.

If you notice the inner and outer crosses, you’ll get some more info.
Outer Cross: Whip, Child (Book in center, the topic), Heart, Path. The child has the heart on the project (oh yes I do!), but has to decide about to clean some stuff about the project (maybe needs something extra). So, planning might be ongoing.
Inner Cross: Bouquet, House (Book in center, the topic), Garden, Birds. This is a project that can be stable and on many mouths. So, it has potential to grow 🙂

Please note that the houses have given us extra info. The decision is about something “digital in essence”. Or, it also tells us that the project (book) is focused on a garden or network (internet). So, you can see here many layers. Houses explain the “on top” cards, and in turn, combinations of “on top” cards explain what’s going on around the topic.

As I said before, some cards give deep explanation about some topics. For example: the mirror. Others like “ladies” or “gents” (in plural) can give us hints about what the on top card is relating to (imagine, for example, “work colleagues”). That’s why I like this deck so much to use it as houses.

You won’t miss it, will you?

Originally from here.

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