Tag: tarot

How I use the 3 Card Spread

By Odyn PenDragon If I am not mistaken, the common view of the 3-Card Spread has the basic model of a “Before / During / After” methodology. The method is entrenched in a time-based causal-linear mode. One flanking card is described as “leading up to” or “preceding”, and the other flanking card is described as...

Tarot Town – Important Message!

I am reposting this message from Tarot Town as it may be of interest to many of our blog-readers: On May 25th, Tarot-Town will be revamped and only accessible thereafter to Citizens/Patrons at a new rate of $5/month. If you wish to upgrade your membership prior to May 25th, you will gain the the current...

“Timing?” with Tarot?

By Odyn PenDragon Time-based predictive behavior is an inherent capacity in Astrology. Time-based predictive behavior with any other form of divination is tricky at best, and is entirely dependent upon “intuition” or “other-vision” — which reeks of subjectivity, so it is fine for self-reading, but gets sloppy when reading for others. Before going any further...

Fie…! Fie…! Oh, wait a minute… I meant, Five!

The number Five in the Minor Arcana…. Of course, it is a struggle with the fives…! (And the fives would be happy I said that!) But then, again, it is the fives that are something, if anything is anything at all… (Now the fives are happier you have agreed!) You see, the universe is always...

Tarot Symbolism: The Ultimate Pilot – Thoth Tarot

By Odyn PenDragon Atu XX is called “The Aeon” in the Crowley-Harris Tarot. Crowley’s use of the term is difficult and misleading, especially for “the beginner”. He ‘distorted’ the idea of “an epoch” to conform to his desire to ‘create a new religion’ (a huge mistake in my opinion). One is better off investigating the...

Tarotelic: King of Cups

When Napoleon Bonaparte arrived in France in his early childhood, the French Revolution was in full swing. Peasants had wrestled control away from the nobility, and everyone was addressed as ‘citizen.’ The former hierarchy was no longer recognized. In fact, if former nobility referred to themselves by their noble titles such as Baron or Judge...

Tarot Symbolism: The Fool in Tarot de St. Croix

This Fool is inspired by the sacred clown Koshare from the Pueblo Indians of the Southwest. He represents a playful way to look at a situation. He wears the mask of Coyote, a wild canine whose high pitched yipping sounds like laughter. Coyote carries the message of the trickster. In this card, The Fool makes a shadow...

Tarot Symbolism: The Long and Winding Path

by Anita Perez For the purposes of this blog, I will be using images from the Universal Waite Tarot Deck. The RWS deck has become a Modern Standard; the Coloring used by Mary Hanson Roberts shows the detail admirably, and reproduces well. The image of the path leading off into the distance is a key...

Tarot Puzzle (Majors)

Across 2. Success, self-assertion 4. Conscious awareness 8. Introspection, solitude 9. Relationship, personal beliefs 11. Education, conformity 13. Spontaneity 14. Inner calling, renewal 15. Balance, alchemy 17. Transition, ending 19. Enlightenment, creativity 21. Achievement, completion 22. Inspiration, serenity   Down 1. Turning point, destiny 3. Mystery 5. Bondage, addictions 6. Patience, compassion 7. Fear, illusion...

Desperate Planning – Thoth Tarot

By Odyn PenDragon We humans (animals) tend to perceive structure (eye, ear, etc.), and from those, many tend to project from that a desire for some fantasy of “pattern”, and even further, the fantasy of “design”. Some passively accept this “design” model; but many others go further to then fantasize that there MUST BE A...