Category: Lenormand

30 Day Lenormand Challenge – Day 6

I just know that I am going to love Lenormand as much as what I love Tarot, and it will be wonderful to be able to offer both systems of cartomancy to my beautiful clients

The Dust Bunny Lenormand, the Review & Interview

The Review I’d like to begin 2013 with a gorgeous Lenormand Deck: the Dust Bunny Lenormand, a creation of Marcia McCord. This is a simple and yet powerful Lenormand. If you love Vintage as I do, this is a must-have in your collection. Its whimsical images and powerful attraction makes it a great tool for...

Yuletide Lenormand, the Review & Interview

The Review I’m glad to begin with one of the sweetest Lenormands: the Yuletide Lenormand, a wonderful creation of Kendra Hurteau and Katrina Hill. This is an excellent option for Yule (Xmas), since that is precisely, its main topic. The Yuletide Lenormand is a very sweet Lenormand deck which introduces you into the Lenormand while...

Vintage Lenormand

I am so happy to introduce you to the Vintage Lenormand, my first deck. These are the proofs, there is still some editing to be done before I submit them for final printing – sometime within the next week or two. Finding a printer who was willing and able to do a small run at...

Litha TarotBlogHop – Celebrate the Sunrise

In this latest tarot-blog-hop, the theme gives rise to this question: How will you celebrate the sunrise this Midsummer? Read the blog before me: Here For me, sunrise is symbolic of a new beginning, every day. It also symbolises enlightenment. When I have my first cup of coffee each morning outside on the deck, early enough...